Online Academy

If you have a dog, chances are you have “dog issues”. You’ve tried everything and nothing seems to be working. Having a dog should be fun, not frustrating. Training should be fun…and it is, with the right trainer. Our digital courses were created by Animal Planet Pet Expert & Trainer Travis Brorsen with you in mind. Having learned the hard way with his own pup he knows what it feels like, he’s been in your shoes and he’s ready to help you!

Our digital courses are easy to follow with step-by-step instructions and bonus tips from the pro. Work with your pup from the comfort of your home on a day and time that works best for your schedule. Our positive reinforcement method builds a relationship based on love, trust and mutual respect instead of fear tactics and control. Sign up today to learn from one of the leading experts in dog training.

Full Courses

Basic & Advanced Obedience

This comprehensive online course guides you through our positive reinforcement approach to training with video lessons hosted by Animal Planet Pet Expert & Trainer Travis Brorsen. In this course you’ll get access to our complete training program which includes 11 cues to help your dog navigate the world safely and interact peacefully within your family. Each lesson contains video instruction/demonstration with bonus tips from the pro along with skill benchmarks for your pup to achieve before advancing to the next lesson.

Pawsitive Puppy Experience

This online course is a “how-to” guide perfect for first-time puppy parents. Animal Planet Pet Expert & Trainer Travis Brorsen covers important topics including crate training, potty training, setting boundaries, creating a daily schedule, necessary supplies and more. The lessons covered in this course will help you establish rules and routines necessary for a peaceful puppy in your home.


Essentials Mini Pack

This mini pack includes 6 lessons with the main cues every dog should know to navigate the world safely. With the cues in this package, you can teach your dog how to focus on you, re-direct should she get close to something dangerous, put something harmful in her mouth, get too far away from you and more. The lessons in this package establish an excellent foundation for good behavior.

Come when called
Drop It

Building Blocks Mini Pack

This mini pack includes 6 lessons with cues that make daily life with your pup peaceful and pleasant. With the cues in this package, you can teach your pup how to focus on you, walk comfortably on a leash without pulling, ignore distractions, not jump on people and more.

Come When Called
Loose Leash Walking
Leave it

Individual Cues

Choose your Option

Our individual cue options allow you to work with your pup by targeting a specific behavior. Each cue includes 3 lessons, each in a different setting, with step-by-step instructions to help your pup learn in both high and low distraction environments.

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